Best Boxing Books

in Boxing

minute/s reading time

Whether you’re a fan of the sport or just enjoy a good page-turner, these boxing books are sure to keep you entertained. From inspiring true stories to in-depth looks at the history of the sport, there’s something for everyone on this list. So sit back and prepare for a knockout read!

Boxing Biographies

Mike Tyson
Undisputed Truth

Mike Tyson is a boxer who has defied expectations. He was born in a poor neighborhood in Brooklyn, and he was bullied as a boy. But he became one of the best boxers in the world. He was also the youngest heavyweight champion ever. However, his behavior outside of the boxing ring often caused problems.

02/14/2025 11:58 pm GMT
Jack Dempsey
Championship Fighting: Explosive Punching and Aggressive Defense

Jack Dempsey was one of the most popular and successful boxers of all time. In this book, he reveals the techniques that made him so successful in the ring. The book is straightforward and includes detailed illustrations.

It explains how to punch powerfully, defend aggressively, stand properly, feint, and move around the ring. The methods Dempsey describes can be used by both amateurs and professionals. They can also be helpful for anyone who wants to teach themselves how to box or practice martial arts.

02/15/2025 12:40 am GMT
Muhammad Ali
The Greatest: My Own Story

Muhammad Ali is the only person who knows his life story. He worked with a writer, Richard Durham, to tell the story in a way that is interesting and human. The book is called "The Greatest" and it tells the story of Ali's life as he lived it.

02/15/2025 12:12 am GMT
Sugar Ray Leonard
The Big Fight: My Life In and Out of the Ring

Sugar Ray Leonard's memoir is brutally honest and uplifting. It reveals in intimate detail the complex man behind the boxer. The Olympic hero, multichampionship winner, and beloved athlete waged his own personal battle with depression, rage, addiction, and greed.

Joe Frazier
Smokin' Joe: The Life of Joe Frazier

Joe Frazier was a famous boxer. He had a rivalry with Muhammad Ali that was talked about by boxing fans all over the world. Frazier's legacy as an important figure in American sports and society still exists today.

02/14/2025 11:07 pm GMT
George Foreman
George Foreman: Life Lessons From The Journey Of Big George Foreman, From The Hardest Heavyweight Hitter In Boxing History To Millions In Entrepreneurship

This book about George Foreman contains advice on how to be successful. It talks about how to correctly deal with fears, not take things for granted, and stay positive.

The book also discusses the importance of integrity and how to overcome adversity.

Floyd Mayweather
Money: The Life and Fast Times of Floyd Mayweather

Floyd Mayweather Jr. overcame difficult beginnings to become the highest-paid sportsman on the planet. This is a story about greed, arrogance, abuse, extraordinary boxing ability and unrivaled ambition.

Money by Tris Dixon explores all of this in a searing, insightful and often brutal exposé of one of the greatest athletes the world has ever seen.

02/14/2025 05:13 pm GMT
Joe Louis
Joe Louis

Joe Louis was a famous boxer. He was the heavyweight champion and defended his title 25 times. He was very popular and got a lot of newspaper coverage. He represented Black America's hope for dignity and equality. In 1938, he beat a German boxer named Max Schmeling and became a national hero. 

Randy Roberts researched and interviewed people to create a complete picture of Louis' life. He looked at everything, including how Louis was seen by the public and how his relationships with different groups of people were complex. 

02/14/2025 09:36 pm GMT
Jack Johnson
Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson

This biography tells the story of Jack Johnson, who was a black boxer and heavyweight champion of the world. He was very successful and famous, but the federal government didn't like him because he lived his life how he wanted, without listening to anyone else. They set out to destroy him, and he spent time in prison and exile.

02/14/2025 11:37 pm GMT
Sugar Ray Robinson
Sweet Thunder: The Life and Times of Sugar Ray Robinson

Haygood tells the story of Robinson's life in a way that makes you feel like you were right there with him. You'll learn about his six-bout war with Jake "Raging Bull" LaMotta and his lethal meeting with Jimmy Doyle.

You'll also learn about his years in Harlem and his dreams of becoming a famous singer or actor.

02/14/2025 10:33 pm GMT
Leonard, Hagler, Hearns, Duran
Four Kings: Leonard, Hagler, Hearns, Duran and the Last Great Era of Boxing

Roberto Duran, Marvelous Marvin Hagler, Sugar Ray Leonard, and Thomas "Hit Man" Hearns were all famous boxers during the 1970s and 1980s. They were in a time when fights were shown on TV instead of just Pay Per View.

These fights were very exciting to watch because they often had one of these great boxers fighting against another. George Kimball was there to cover every one of their matches and write about it.

02/15/2025 01:04 am GMT


Aggressive Defense: Blocks, Head Movement & Counters for Boxing, Kickboxing & MMA

This book covers everything you need to know about blocks, parries, and head movement in martial arts.

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Footwork Wins Fights: The Footwork of Boxing, Kickboxing, Martial Arts & MMA

This book is a comprehensive guide to footwork in martial arts. It covers everything you need to know to improve your training. You'll learn about the body mechanics of footwork, basic and advanced footwork techniques, and more.

02/14/2025 09:26 pm GMT
Principles of Power: Power Generation for Boxing, Kickboxing & MMA

This book explains the physics behind the hardest hitting fighters in history. It then shows you how to use these principles in your own striking. The book is easy to understand and isn't full of nonsense.

02/14/2025 04:20 pm GMT
The Art of the Sweet Science: Boxing Training for the Body and Mind

The Art of the Sweet Science is a boxing book that talks about the mental and physical aspects of boxing training. To be a great fighter, you need to be in great shape, have a strong strategy for every type of situation, and have the right mindset.

This book has three sections: tips on boxing training, strategy, and mindset.

02/14/2025 03:47 pm GMT


Victory Favors the Fearless: How to Defeat the 7 Fears That Hold You Back

In this story, pro boxer Mickey McGavin is struggling to overcome his fears. With the help of a former world champion, McGavin learns that he must defeat his fears in his mind before he can defeat his opponents in the ring. Boxing is a metaphor for life in this story, but the techniques used for defeating fear can be applied to any situation.

02/15/2025 12:41 am GMT


Boxing Terminology
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Boxing

The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Boxing is a comprehensive, illustrated reference work on boxing that covers all aspects of the sport from its rise in popularity to today.

This book contains a lot of information about the careers of famous boxers from around the world. It also includes descriptions of many famous boxing fights. Additionally, it tells how the world title has changed hands over time for all weight classes. This book also outlines the current boxing scene around the world. Furthermore, it considers the people who are important to boxing such as promoters, trainers, and managers. Finally, this book recalls some famous boxing stadiums and details how different organizations govern boxing.

02/15/2025 12:41 am GMT
Training Journal
Boxing Training Log and Diary: Training Journal For Boxing - Notebook

This training journal will help you track your progress and remember the techniques you have worked on. Keeping a record of your progress will help keep you motivated and let you see your progress.

Use for note taking, keeping competition results, as a training diary or journal, fitness record, recording competition stats, journaling, writing, doodling, drawing, making lists and recording ideas.

02/15/2025 12:18 am GMT


On Boxing

Joyce Carol Oates has written a collection of essays about boxing. These essays explore the art, history, and politics of the sport. They are filled with insights and clear detail. Oates shows her understanding of issues such as masculinity and racial exploitation. She also conveys her enthusiasm for boxing in a way that is interesting and easy to understand.

02/15/2025 12:41 am GMT

Types of Boxing Books

  • Biographies
  • Inspirational
  • Historical
  • In-depth analyses
  • Sports memoirs
  • Boxing fiction and poetry

Other Boxing Names to Look into

  • Roberto Duran
  • Randy Roberts
  • Donald Mcrae
  • Leonard Gardner
  • Rocky Marciano
  • Marvin Hagler
  • Thomas Hearns
  • George Kimbal
  • Jesse Owens
  • Jeff Silverman
  • William Gildea
  • Sonny Liston
  • Joe Gans

Frequently asked questions

Q: What is the best boxing book?

A: The best boxing book is a matter of personal opinion, but some popular choices include “The Boxer’s Heart” by Kate Sekules and “The Fight” by Norman Mailer.

Q: What are some good books about boxing history?

A: If you’re interested in boxing history, some great books to check out include “The Sweet Science” by A. J. Liebling and “A Flame of Pure Fire: Jack Dempsey and the Roaring ’20s” by Roger Kahn.

Q: How can I find more boxing books to read?

A: There are many online bookstores and libraries that carry a wide range of boxing books and other related titles. Some popular book review sites, such as Goodreads, are also great resources for finding new reading recommendations. Additionally, many boxing clubs often have libraries or reading lists available for their members.

Q: Are there any boxing memoirs that I should look out for?

A: There are several popular boxing memoirs, such as ” Raging Bull” by Jake LaMotta and “The Black Lights” by Thomas Hauser. These books offer an inside look at the lives of famous boxers, both in and out of the ring.

Q: What are some good books about boxing training?

A: If you’re looking for books on boxing training, some great options include “On Boxing” by Joyce Carol Oates and “The Fighter’s Mind” by Sam Sheridan. These books offer practical tips and advice for everything from nutrition to mental preparation. Additionally, many online forums and discussion groups can be great resources for learning more about boxing training techniques.

Q: What are some good books about boxing for beginners?

A: If you’re just starting out in the world of boxing, some great books to check out include “The Boxer’s Handbook” by Tony Thomas and “The Art of Boxing” by Gene Tunney. These books offer basic instruction on everything from choosing the right equipment to throwing punches correctly. Additionally, many local boxing clubs often offer introductory classes or training programs for newbies.

Final Thoughts

The best boxing book is the one that speaks to you on a personal level. Whether you’re looking for an inspiring true story, an inside look at the sport’s history, or practical tips on how to train like a pro, there’s sure to be a book on this list that fits the bill. So pick up one of these books and get ready for a knockout read!

Origin fighter

Origin Fighter is a blog for athletes and fitness enthusiasts to learn about Jiu-Jitsu, MMA, Wrestling, Boxing, Health & Nutrition, Performance and more. Origin Fighter also provides information on how to train smarter with resources such as workout plans and diets tailored for your goals.

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I am a huge fan of both BJJ and MMA. Jiu-jitsu is my biggest passion, and I’ve been training it for more than 5 years. I have recently been promoted to a purple belt. In this blog, I will be giving you tips on how to improve and how to choose the best BJJ equipment! Learn More